Asbestos is famous for its fire-resistant and insulating properties. It's also notorious for the severe health problems it creates, resulting in more than 5,000 deaths in the UK alone each year.
Although the health risks were known and accepted, asbestos materials were still widely used in the building trade in Haltwhistle right up until they were banned in 1999*. This includes asbestos boiler insulation, asbestos boiler flue pipes, and all manner of components connected with heating systems.
*Although asbestos was removed from use in boiler manufacture well before this, in 1984.
While this affects industrial premises most of all, many domestic dwellings also contain asbestos insulation, asbestos concrete and several other components. As all of these will be several decades old by now, it is imperative that they are inspected to make sure that they don't present a health hazard.
Asbestos SOS handles all kinds of asbestos removal projects, including the dismantling, removal of asbestos boilers in Haltwhistle and their associated components.
For the most part, asbestos cement was used as insulation for boilers, and this can be between 80 to 90% asbestos. It is also highly friable, making it a serious health hazard.
This aggressive cancer affects the lining of the lungs and abdomen, almost exclusively caused by asbestos exposure. It has a poor prognosis and limited treatment options.
Asbestos significantly increases the risk of lung cancer, both alone and in combination with smoking tobacco products. Those who do smoke (or have done in the past) have a much higher chance of contracting an asbestos-related disease, like cancer.
Cancer of the voice box is also linked to asbestos exposure, with increased risk for those in high-exposure occupations. The same conditions regarding smoking apply here, too.
It's worth remembering that many of these cases relate to contractors who experienced high exposure to materials like asbestos cement in boilers over a long period, and that the symptoms typically take between ten and forty years to manifest themselves.
However, while the possibility of contracting any of these diseases from the asbestos in your home (or workplace) is very low, it's never worth taking the risk. That's why professional asbestos removal companies like Asbestos SOS exist: we specialise in the safe removal of all asbestos materials from your home, or from commercial and industrial sites in Haltwhistle.
Read more on “how long does asbestos stay airborne”.
Each project is different and requires specific methods, although the general process is the same. For example, removing an asbestos flue pipe can be trickier than, say, a garage roof.
A lot will depend on the size and scale of the job, as well as the condition of the asbestos material.
If it's a simple case of removing the boiler, we can provide an estimate based on its dimensions, bearing in mind that there may be other components to consider, such as an asbestos flue pipe.
The following guide will give you a rough idea of the cost:
Read more on “asbestos boiler & flue removal costs”.
Read more on “asbestos pipe insulation & lagging removal costs”.
Read more on “asbestos water tank removal costs”.
These prices include VAT but only represent an average figure. Please get in touch for a free quote based on your precise circumstances. Bear in mind that we may advise you regarding other asbestos-containing materials that could be discovered during the removal process.
Unless your home or property in Haltwhistle was built after 1999, there's a strong possibility that asbestos is present in some form. Houses built after 1984 are very unlikely to contain blue or brown asbestos, but there still may be some white asbestos (the less hazardous type) lurking somewhere in the building materials.
If you discover this material or suspect that it may be present, it's vital that you take action. Many homeowners in Haltwhistle come across asbestos during a DIY project, and this is possibly the most hazardous situation as the asbestos can be damaged, releasing harmful fibres into the air.
Read more on “what does asbestos look like”.
If this happens, stop work immediately and contact your local council offices (or the GOV.UK website) for guidance. You can also contact Asbestos SOS for advice, especially in the case that you can't get hold of anyone at your local council.
If the asbestos looks in good condition, we can perform an asbestos risk assessment and advise you as to the best course of action.
Whatever the situation, our advice is to remain calm; although this material is dangerous, the risk of harm is low, depending on the level of exposure and the timescale involved.
In some circumstances, it is possible, but it is never advisable. Small-scale projects can be handled, but that's not to say that they should be.
The asbestos regulations mostly relate to commercial and industrial sites, and who is responsible for dealing with asbestos in the workplace. As a homeowner in Haltwhistle, you have a duty of care to all occupants and anyone in and around the building, including your neighbours.
The removal process must be handled in accordance with the HSE regulations, and few people have the equipment and training to follow these to the letter to limit asbestos fibre release into the local environment. You also need to dispose of the asbestos waste correctly, and this requires a licence.
In short, it's always better to contact a specialist asbestos company, like Asbestos SOS.
Our dedicated team advanced techniques and unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility ensure that with us you're not just removing asbestos but also securing a safer healthier future for your space.
Among the many reasons we could offer, let's list three that capture the essence of our mission and values:
Remember: Never attempt DIY asbestos removal! Your actions may well contravene the health and safety laws, and the process can be extremely hazardous. Leave it to the professionals at Asbestos SOS to handle the safe removal of all asbestos materials within your property.
At Asbestos SOS, our mission is to eliminate the risks associated with all types of asbestos-containing material, wherever it may be located.
We understand that consumers will be anxious about having asbestos in their homes, and we offer a complete range of services to remove all the asbestos from the property that we possibly can.
From asbestos testing to complete removal, you can trust the Haltwhistle Asbestos SOS team to make your house asbestos-free.
Don't let asbestos ruin your peace of mind with the spectre of sickness and disease. Contact Asbestos SOS now for common-sense advice and a comprehensive, affordable solution to your asbestos problem.