The Safe Way To Remove Your Asbestos Roof Tiles & Sheets!

Asbestos Roof Removal Haltwhistle

Domestic, Warehouse & Commercial
Asbestos Roof Removal

Licenced Removal & Disposal Of Asbestos Roof Tiles & Sheets

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Asbestos Roof Removal in Haltwhistle

Asbestos Roof Removal Haltwhistle

It's estimated that around 5.5 million UK homes or businesses contain asbestos in some form. That's because this material was widely used in the construction industry from the 1930s right up until 1999, even though the dangers were acknowledged many decades ago.

If you suspect that you have asbestos in your home or business in Haltwhistle, don't despair: a professional asbestos removal company can deal with the problem for you, from initial testing to complete removal.

At Asbestos SOS, our technicians are trained to handle all kinds of asbestos safely and efficiently, including roofing materials.

We understand the risks and hazards involved in asbestos roof removal in Haltwhistle, and our entire process is designed with your welfare in mind.

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What Is Asbestos?

Before describing our removal process, we feel that it's our duty to inform consumers of the serious health risks associated with asbestos-containing materials and their removal.

This also means explaining what asbestos is:

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral made up of thin, microscopic fibres (in fact, there are six different types, as shown below). These fibres are strong, heat-resistant, and chemically inert, which made them a popular material for use in a variety of products for decades. It was (and still is!) famous for its insulating properties.

Read more on “what does asbestos look like”.

Types Of Asbestos

There are six main types of asbestos, but the most common ones are chrysotile (white asbestos), amosite (brown asbestos), and crocidolite (blue asbestos). Thankfully, the white variety was most commonly used, and this is the least harmful, whereas blue asbestos is the worst of the six.

Uses Of Asbestos

Asbestos was once widely used in construction materials, such as insulation, roofing, flooring, and ceiling tiles. It was also used in fireproofing materials, automotive brakes, and textiles. If your home in Haltwhistle was built or renovated prior to 1999, then you could have asbestos cement sheets or tiles on the roof. It was also common to have an asbestos garage roof, and these corrugated boards were often used on old coal bunkers, sheds, barns and outbuildings.

The Asbestos Ban

The use of asbestos is now banned in many countries, including the United Kingdom. However, there are still many buildings and products that contain asbestos, and people can be exposed if these materials are disturbed.

Severe Health Risks Of Asbestos Exposure

Inhaling asbestos fibres can affect human health in several ways, resulting in life-changing and life-threatening diseases, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. These diseases often develop decades after long-term exposure to asbestos.

Read more on “how long does asbestos stay airborne”.

What Is Asbestos

Why Is Asbestos Removal Necessary?

When homeowners in Haltwhistle find asbestos, it's often during a DIY project or while they're having renovation work carried out. This can damage the material, particularly if its presence wasn't detected prior to the work commencing. When it breaks, asbestos dust, which contains harmful fibres, is released.

If you do discover asbestos, or you suspect that you have found some in your home, it's essential that you do not try to remove it yourself. Under no circumstances should you use power tools or hand tools, as this will damage the material and expose you and your family to asbestos fibres.

For the most part, asbestos removal is necessary because it has been damaged, has become friable (crumbly), or has a high likelihood of being damaged by renovation work in the future.

In some cases, asbestos is left in situ as there is minimal health risk involved. However, if there is any doubt whatsoever, you will be advised to replace your roofing material and arrange for the safe removal of asbestos from your home.

And that's when it's time to contact a professional asbestos company, like Asbestos SOS.

Asbestos Survey

Asbestos Survey

All of our asbestos removal work in Haltwhistle begins with a survey to assess the condition, type and extent of asbestos material on your property.

If you are confident that the asbestos is limited to your roofing sheets or tiles, then we may be able to assess the work from a good set of clear, high-resolution photographs. This will avoid the need for an asbestos survey, although getting a survey done is often the best way forward as it can pick up other asbestos materials that were previously unnoticed. We can also determine the exact state of the asbestos and decide whether removing it is the best course of action.

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The Removal Process

Removing an asbestos roof in Haltwhistle is no job for amateurs. It's a delicate procedure requiring meticulous planning, specialist skills, and strict regulations to ensure both safety and legal compliance. Here's the essential breakdown:

Before the Rubble Flies:

  • Survey and assessment: A licensed asbestos surveyor will comprehensively inspect the roof, identify the type of asbestos present, and assess its condition. This will determine the safest removal method and the necessary precautions.
  • Permits and notifications: Notify the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) about the planned removal at least 14 days prior. Obtain any necessary permits from your local council, particularly if the building is listed or in a conservation area.
  • Containment and protection: Prepare the work area by setting up exclusion zones to restrict access and prevent fibre migration. This includes erecting sturdy enclosures and decontamination procedures for personnel and equipment.

The Careful Dismantling:

  • Professional crew: Only licensed asbestos removal contractors can handle the actual removal. They'll be equipped with full protective clothing, including respirators and disposable suits, to minimise exposure.
  • Controlled dismantling: Sheets will be carefully removed, wetted down to suppress dust, and double-bagged in sealed waste containers. Any damaged or crumbling material will be treated as friable (highly hazardous) and handled with extra care.
  • Decontamination and monitoring: After thorough cleaning of the work area with specialist vacuums and air scrubbing equipment, air monitoring will confirm fibre levels are within safe limits before removing the containment.

Asbestos Disposal and Documentation:

  • Licensed waste disposal: Asbestos waste must be transported and safely disposed of by licensed hauliers to approved landfill sites. All paperwork and waste transfer notes must be meticulously documented for auditing purposes.
  • Completion certificate: Upon successful removal and clearance, the contractor will issue a completion certificate confirming the work complies with HSE regulations. Keep this document for future reference.


  • Never attempt asbestos removal yourself. It's illegal and puts you and others at significant risk.
  • Choose accredited contractors: Verify the contractor's HSE license and check their track record and insurance coverage.
  • Clear communication is key: Maintain open communication with the contractor and neighbours throughout the process.

By following these steps and involving qualified professionals, removing an asbestos roof can be accomplished safely and responsibly, safeguarding yourself and the environment from this hazardous material.

The Removal Process
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How Much Is Asbestos Roof Removal

How Much Is Asbestos Roof Removal in Haltwhistle?

The size of the project will be the biggest contributing factor, although there are others to consider.

We also need to ensure safe working conditions for all of our staff, and we also need to take into account the welfare of the occupants.

This means that we have to check the site for any potential hazards or obstacles to access. It's your duty to inform us of any problems, such as boundary disputes or site access conditions.

While we can't provide an accurate quote right here, we can suggest a ballpark figure as a rough guide:

The average cost of removing asbestos roof tiles in Haltwhistle falls between £800 and £2500, depending on the size of the roof and the ease of access to the site.

As a rough guide, expect to pay somewhere between £60 and £170 per square metre, although it's best to contact us directly to get a free quote. The reason for the higher price (compared to asbestos garage roofs) is that extensive scaffolding is usually required.

Also, the final cost will depend on whether we are handling asbestos sheets or asbestos cement roof tiles, as they require a different approach.

To help you further, here's an idea of the average prices for asbestos garage roof removal:

  • Single garage roof disposal (this is a collection and disposal service only, the roof must be already removed and ready for collection) - £475
  • Single garage roof removal and disposal - £715
  • Double garage roof disposal (the same stipulations apply as per above) - £830
  • Double garage roof removal and disposal - £1200

These rates will apply to other small outside structures like sheds and outbuildings.

Why Choose Asbestos SOS

Our dedicated team advanced techniques and unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility ensure that with us you're not just removing asbestos but also securing a safer healthier future for your space.

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Encapsulation: Sealing Asbestos-
Containing materials

One way to potentially avoid the asbestos removal cost is by sealing in the asbestos roofing materials, known as encapsulation.

When we survey your asbestos roof, we will make a note of its condition. If it is free from damage and the material is not crumbling (friable), there's a chance that it can be sealed with a protective adhesive.

As this usually costs around £8 per square, it's a more cost-effective method of asbestos management, although it isn't always an option.

Encapsulation Sealing Asbestos- Containing materials
Asbestos Removal And The Law

Asbestos Removal And The Law

People often ask whether they can do this job themselves, and the answer is almost always no: as we said before, removing asbestos is definitely not a DIY job!

While the law states that, in certain cases, it's possible for someone to tackle a small-scale asbestos removal project, the regulations stipulate that specific measures must be undertaken to ensure the safety of everyone involved, including nearby neighbours and anyone in the vicinity.

You can check these laws yourself by searching online for Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (referred to as CAR 2012), but they essentially state that the property owner is responsible for the safe removal of asbestos on site and that all protocols must be strictly followed.

For example, you are allowed by law to remove asbestos cement products, such as an asbestos soil pipe (as the risk of harmful fibres being released is low), although you must comply with all HSE guidance for your own safety.

Most of the laws are aimed at commercial and industrial settings, with legal penalties attached for any breaches of the law, and these don't apply to privately owned domestic dwellings. However, you do have a duty of care to all occupants, including yourself, and you will be expected to adhere to all of the health and safety measures included in CAR 2012.

Aside from the laws and the rules, common sense should dictate that you take every necessary precaution to avoid the risks involved, and that means calling in a professional asbestos management team.

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Asbestos SOS - Professional Asbestos Roof Removal In Haltwhistle

The Asbestos SOS technicians are specialists with a high degree of asbestos training. They understand the risks and hazards and are fully prepared and equipped for the task.

Whatever your asbestos removal project, they are ready to act in order to protect you and your family by making your home safe and free from the dangers of asbestos.

Contact the Asbestos SOS Haltwhistle team today for your peace of mind and a healthy, asbestos-free future.

Asbestos SOS - Professional Asbestos Removal

Frequently Asked Questions

In the UK, asbestos in roofs is often found in corrugated roofing sheets or tiles made before the year 2000. To confirm its presence, it's best to hire a professional who can safely take a sample and have it analysed by an accredited laboratory, as it's difficult to identify asbestos by appearance alone.
In the UK, asbestos roof removal is not universally required by law. However, if the asbestos is in poor condition or will be disturbed by building work, it must be safely removed following the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 to prevent health risks.
While it's legal for homeowners to remove asbestos from their property in the UK, it's strongly advised against due to the significant health risks involved. For safety, it's recommended to use a licensed professional who is trained and equipped to handle and dispose of asbestos safely.
Yes, you can legally dispose of asbestos roofing yourself in the UK. However, you must follow strict guidelines: asbestos waste should be double-bagged in heavy-duty plastic, labelled as hazardous, and taken to a designated disposal site. Contact your local council for specific disposal guidelines and locations.
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